The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2016 (18)
2017-06-28 New taxa in China


Primulina maciejewskii sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae) from Guangdong, China

Nordic Journal of Botany 34: 722‒727.


Primulina maciejewskii F. Wen, R.L. Zhang & A.Q. Dong, a new species of Primulina (Gesneriaceae) from Guangdong, China, is described and illustrated. It is similar to P. lobulata and P. danxiaensis in leaf and flower shape, but can be distinguished by bract shape, peduncle, pedicel, and bract size, flament and anther indumentum, and number of bracts, staminodes and stigma.

The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae form China before 31 December 2016 (20)

Figure 1. Primulina maciejewskii sp. nov. (A) habit, (B) inflorescence, (C) bracts and bracteoles, (D) calyx and corolla, (E) opened corolla showing stamens and staminodes, (F) gynoecium, (G) stigma. From holotype, drawn by Wen Ma.

The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae form China before 31 December 2016 (20)

Figure 2. Primulina maciejewskii sp. nov. (A) population, (B) plants in the wild, (C) cultivated plant, (D) corolla front and top view, (E) corolla lateral view, (F) bracts on the cyme, (G) bracts, (H) calyx lobes, (I) pistil without calyx lobes. (A)–(B) photos by An-Qiang Dong, (C)–(I) photos by Fang Wen and Rui-Li Zhang.

The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae form China before 31 December 2016 (20)

Figure 3. (A)–(D) Primulina lobulata. (A) habitat, (B) habit, (C) cyme, (D) corolla frontal view. (E)–(F) P. danxiaensis. (E) habitat, (F) habit, (G) cymes. (A)–(C) photos by An-Qiang Dong and Fang Wen, (G) by Rui-Jiang Wang.