The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2017 (1)
2017-06-28 New taxa in China


Petrocodon pulchriflorus sp. nov. (Gesneriaceae) from Guangxi, China

Phytotaxa 291(1): 81–88.


Petrocodon pulchriflorus, a new species of Gesneriaceae is described and illustrated from the limestone area of southwestern Guangxi, China. It is similar to Petrocodon guangxiensis, but can be distinguished by several characters, such as the size and shape of leaf blades, inflorescences and corolla, and the position of stamens. Also the phylogenetic affinity of Petrocodon pulchriflorus is presented based on the plastid trnL-F and nuclear ribosomal ITS sequences.

The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae form China before 31 December 2017 (1)

FIGURE 1.The best ITS and trnL-F maximum likelihood phylogenetic trees. BS values (>50%) are shown around the corresponding nodes. The new species is highlighted in bold.

The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae form China before 31 December 2017 (1)

FIGURE 2. The best ML tree based on the combined ITS and trnL-F region. BS values (>50%) and PP values (>0.80) are shown above and below the branches. The new species is highlighted in bold.

The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae form China before 31 December 2017 (1)

FIGURE 3. Petrocodon pulchriflorus (A) habit, (B) opened corolla, (C) pistil and calyx, (D) stamen. Drawn by Wen-Hong Lin from the holotype.

The newest published taxa of Gesneriaceae form China before 31 December 2017 (1)

FIGURE 4. Petrocodon pulchriflorus (A) habitat, (B) flowering individual, (C) inflorescences, (D) flowers frontal view, (E) flowers side view, (F) early flower, (G) pistil and calyx.