GCCC(Shenzhen)of Fairylake Botanical Garden, Shenzhen & Chinese Academy of Sciences visited GCCC & Guilin Botanical Garden, CAS
2018-04-28 GCCC News

GCCC: Dr. QiuZhi-Jing and his assistants, the three of GCCC (Shenzhen) of Fairylake Botanical Garden, Shenzhen & Chinese Academy of Sciences visited GCCC & Guilin Botanical Garden, CAS at 25th April. Dr. Qiu and two members of his team contacted Prof. Wei Yi-Gang and Dr. Wen Fang, who are the principal heads of GCCC, with their thoughts, and the progress of GCCC (Shenzhen) in the last year, including collection and conservation, science popularization activities for Chinese Gesneriaceae. At the same time, they also exchanged the ideas and experiences about the cultivation and seed collection of Gesneriaceae. Then, they visited GCCC, including the wall-garden, display greenhouse, and so on.

GCCC(Shenzhen)of Fairylake Botanical Garden, Shenzhen & Chinese Academy of Sciences visited GCCC & Guilin Botanical Garden, CAS

Fig.1 Dr. Qiu and his team visited GCCC and Guilin Botanical Garden

GCCC(Shenzhen)of Fairylake Botanical Garden, Shenzhen & Chinese Academy of Sciences visited GCCC & Guilin Botanical Garden, CAS

Fig. 2 Dr. Qiu and his team was taking the species, Primulina hunanensis, which was ib full-blossom period.

GCCC(Shenzhen)of Fairylake Botanical Garden, Shenzhen & Chinese Academy of Sciences visited GCCC & Guilin Botanical Garden, CAS

Fig. 3 The species, Primulina hunanensis, in flowering

GCCC(Shenzhen)of Fairylake Botanical Garden, Shenzhen & Chinese Academy of Sciences visited GCCC & Guilin Botanical Garden, CAS

Fig. 4 The member of GCCC, Ms. Li Shu, was exchanging the experiences of Gesneriaceae cultivation