The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2019 (3)
2019-03-11 New taxa in China


Oreocharis panzhouensis (Gesneriaceae), a new species from karst regions in
Guizhou, China

Phytotaxa 393 (3): 287–291


A new species of Gesneriaceae, Oreocharis panzhouensis, is described and illustrated from Panzhou City, Guizhou Province,China. The new species is morphologically similar to O. cavaleriei and O. forrestii in corolla shape and color, number of stigmas and stamens, but it can be easily distinguished by the shape of leaf blade and calyx, leaf blade indumentum, filament and pistil indumentum and length, and peduncle length.

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The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2019 (3)

FIGURE 1. Oreocharis panzhouensis Lei Cai, Y.Guo & F.Wen.—A. Plant with flowers & young fruits.—B. Opened corolla showing stamens.—C. Flower with calyx.—D. Pistil and calyx.—E. Pistil with disc.

The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2019 (3)

FIGURE 2. Oreocharis panzhouensis Lei Cai, Y.Guo & F.Wen.—A & B. Habitat.—C. Flowers and leaves.—D. Inflorescence.—E.Flowers front view of.—F. Flowers side view and young fruits.—G. Dry flower with calyx.—H. Opened corolla showing stamens.—I.Pistil. Scale bars: A, B= 5 cm; C, D, E, F = 2 cm; G, H, I = 1 cm.

 The newest published taxa and newest record of Gesneriaceae from China before 31 December 2019 (3)

FIGURE 3. Oreocharis forrestii (Diels) Skan—A. Habitat.—B. Plants with flowers and fruits.—C. Adaxial leaf surface.—D. Abaxial leaf surface.—E. Inflorescence.—F. Flowers side view.—G. Opened corolla showing stamens and staminode.—H. Pistil with disc and calyx.—I. Opened corolla with pistil and calyx. Scale bars: A, B= 5 cm; C, D, E = 2 cm; F, G, I = 1 cm; H = 5 mm.